Leg Swelling Specialist

Leg Swelling

Leg Swelling services offered in East Memphis, Memphis, TN and Senatobia, MS

Leg swelling is a common symptom of many health conditions, including those that affect your heart and circulatory system. At RK Heart & Vascular Care, with offices in Memphis, Tennessee, and Senatobia, Mississippi, board-certified cardiologist Ritin Bomb, MD, FACC, offers comprehensive cardiac care and testing for symptoms like leg swelling. For an appointment, call the office nearest you or book online today.

What is leg swelling?

Leg swelling, or leg edema, is the buildup of fluid in the legs or ankles. Leg swelling is common and may occur at the end of a long day spent on your feet. You can also develop leg swelling when sitting for long periods of time in areas where it’s hard to stretch your legs, like the car or an airplane.

Pregnant women and older adults are prone to leg swelling.

What cardiovascular conditions cause leg swelling?

You can develop leg swelling from any number of causes. Leg swelling is also a common symptom of issues that affect your cardiovascular system, which includes your heart and blood vessels.

Cardiovascular conditions that cause leg swelling include:

Congestive heart failure (CHF)

CHF, or heart failure, is a type of heart disease in which the heart muscle cannot pump blood throughout the body efficiently. If the heart can’t pump blood, it pools in the legs, leading to leg edema.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are damaged superficial veins that may affect circulation in the legs, which then leads to edema.

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)

Leg swelling is a common symptom of CVI, which is a condition that affects circulation in the veins in the legs. Varicose veins are a symptom of CVI. With CVI, the blood pools around the ankles, causing swelling and skin discoloration.


Your lymph system circulates fluid that removes germs and toxins from the blood and body. You might develop leg swelling if you had lymph nodes removed to treat other health conditions like cancer.

What can I expect during an exam for leg swelling?

You can expect a patient-centered exam when you see Dr. Bomb for leg swelling. He asks detailed questions about your symptoms, medical history, and family history and performs a physical examination. 

RK Heart & Vascular Care is a full-service cardiology practice, and Dr. Bomb may order additional testing to confirm or rule out a heart condition that might explain your symptoms, such as an electrocardiogram (EKG) or stress testing.

What are the treatments for leg swelling?

Treatment for leg swelling depends on the cause. Dr. Bomb customizes your plan, which may include:

  • Elevating your legs at the end of the day
  • Regular breaks when sitting or standing for long periods
  • Exercise
  • Diet changes
  • Compression stockings
  • Disease-specific medication

If your leg swelling is a symptom of a cardiovascular condition, Dr. Bomb also includes disease-specific treatments to reduce the edema and improve circulation.

Are you concerned about leg swelling? Call RK Heart & Vascular Care or schedule a consultation online today.