Stress Testing Specialist

Stress Testing

Stress Testing services offered in East Memphis, Memphis, TN and Senatobia, MS

Stress testing lets your cardiologist see how well your heart works when it’s pumping hard. Ritin Bomb, MD, FACC, at RK Heart & Vascular Care, with offices in Memphis, Tennessee, and Senatobia, Mississippi, provides comprehensive cardiac care, including all types of stress testing. To find out more about stress testing, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

What is stress testing?

Stress testing is a type of heart test that sees how well your heart pumps during exercise. Exercise causes your heart to pump harder and faster, which might make it easier to find certain heart problems.

Dr. Bomb may recommend stress testing to find the underlying cause of your chest pain, shortness of breath, or heart palpitations. He also uses the information gathered during a stress test to diagnose heart diseases like coronary artery disease (CAD).

What are the types of stress testing?

RK Heart & Vascular Care is a state-of-the-art cardiology practice that provides comprehensive cardiac care under one roof. The types of stress testing available include:

Exercise stress testing

Exercise stress testing is the treadmill test. For this evaluation, Dr. Bomb attaches electrodes to your chest to monitor your heart’s electrical activity using an electrocardiogram (EKG) and a blood pressure cuff around your arm to monitor blood pressure.

He takes these cardiac measurements while you’re at rest. He then has you walk on a treadmill. Dr. Bomb slowly increases the intensity of the workout until your heart reaches the target rate or you start to have symptoms like chest pain.

The EKG and blood pressure cuff collect the data that allows Dr. Bomb to assess heart health.

Echo stress testing

Echo stress testing includes many of the same activities as the exercise test, including the EKG and blood pressure monitoring and exercise. However, during this test, Dr. Bomb performs an echocardiogram before and after exercise.

An echocardiogram is an imaging test that allows Dr. Bomb to see the structure and function of your heart.

Nuclear stress testing

Nuclear stress testing is an imaging stress test. For this exam, Dr. Bomb first injects a radioactive dye into a blood vessel and takes scans of your heart using a special imaging tool.

You then do the exercise stress test. While exercising, Dr. Bomb gives you another injection of the radioactive dye when your heart reaches the target rate. He then takes another set of images of your heart. 

What type of stress testing do I need?

Dr. Bomb determines what type of stress testing you need after a comprehensive cardiac evaluation. He may initially recommend an exercise stress test and then an imaging stress test for more conclusive information about the health of your heart.

To find out more about stress testing at RK Heart & Vascular Care, call the nearest office or schedule an appointment online today.